Genesis 2:18-23
The LORD God said to himself, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will give him help that suits him perfectly. » Out of the earth the LORD God makes all kinds of wild beasts and all kinds of birds. He brings them to the man to see what he will call them. Each animal must have the name that man will give it. Man gives a name to all domestic animals, to all wild beasts and to all birds. But for himself, he can't find the help that suits him perfectly. Then the LORD God caused the man to fall into a very deep sleep. He takes a rib and closes the skin in its place. From this rib the LORD God made a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said: “This time, here is someone like me! She really takes after me with her whole body. She will be called man's wife, because she comes from man. »
Verse 18 God says He is going to make a helper that is PERFECTLY suitable for man, this helper that the LORD made from dust, just as He made man from dust, was animals of every kind : wild beasts and birds. Do you think that the Lord was incapable of shaping another human being like Adam, do you think that it was not enough for Him to say a word for Him to have Men who would have filled the Garden of Eden? God found Adam's perfect helper, in the wonderful and pure garden of Eden, this holy garden in which God walked and let his glory appear, to be animals of all types.
But man in his personal desire wished for a being like himself Genesis 2: 20 “Man gives a name to all domestic animals, to all wild beasts and to all birds. But for himself, he can't find the help that suits him perfectly. ". Adam found that the perfect help that the Lord gave him was not perfect help for him. The man himself found the helper he considered perfect and it was Eve; Genesis 2:21-23 “Then the LORD God caused the man to fall into a very deep sleep. He takes a rib and closes the skin in its place. From this rib the LORD God made a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said: “This time, here is someone like me! She really takes after me with her whole body. She will be called the wife of man, because she comes from man.” This is how sin entered a holy garden where two men lived: Adam and Eve.
Today, among us men, we harbor bad feelings for each other: jealousy, anger, envy, pride, boasting, lies, murder, rape, cannibalism, etc. Man has become a real danger to Man. Women or men, we no longer respect the Lord. How many people pay lip service to him and when the doors are closed, they indulge in evil practices, defiling their bodies with sin, their hearts filled with evil.
Man always thinks he knows what he needs better than God. We are not satisfied with what God gives us, we always look at what we do not have, we doubt God's ability to be able to fill us with happiness and satisfy us fully; then, we begin to ask what we value best for us, what will satisfy us, without suspecting that our desires cause our downfall.
It is written in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans that I have planned for you, declares the LORD, plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Let us hope in the Lord, let us trust Him completely, for He knows the past, the present and the future; Better than anyone, He knows what we need. Revelation 22:13 “I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
Be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ